Contact Me

I'm always interested in hearing from you, even if I can't always personally answer every message! Just fill in the form below, and I'll do my best to respond.
You can also write to me via snail mail but be sure to include your email address in case I have any questions. I'm happy to sign your books if you mail them to me, but you must include SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope). If your books are to be signed to a friend, please include a note telling me who to sign them to.
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P.O. Box 181
Mendocino, CA 95460 USA
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PLEASE NOTE: I do not use material from readers in any of my books, so I will not be able to consider any suggestions you have about future books. But please write to me about any other subject.
Penguin Random House
Berkley / Jove
375 Hudson St.
NY, NY 10014
Attn: Erin Galloway
Penguin Random House
Berkley / Jove
375 Hudson St.
NY, NY 10014
Att: Meg Ruley
Jane Rotrosen Agency
318 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: 212.593.4330
Web Services:
Att: Chris Tong
Enchanted Websites
265 Turkeysag Trail Ste 102 #117
Palmyra, VA 22963