- Seven sisters. . .
and a legacy of magical secrets. -
Drake Sisters ,
Book 2
Latest Release: paperback
Latest Release Date: November 22, 2016
Original Release Date: November 1, 2003
Number of Pages: 304 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
Language: English
ISBN: 074347628X
Bestselling novelist Kate Drake is one of seven sisters gifted with amazing powers of witchcraft. Returning home in time for her northern California town's annual Christmas pageant, Kate catches the spirit of the season and decides to open a bookstore in a charming but run-down historic mill. Decorated former U.S. Army Ranger Matt Granite, now a local contractor, doesn't mind working in the undeniably eerie house-not if it means getting closer to Kate. There's something about the quiet, sensual woman that powerfully attracts him.
When an earthquake cracks the mill's foundation and reveals a burial crypt, Kate senses that a centuries-old evil has been unleashed. . . and that it's coming after her. Though Matt vows to guard her from dusk till dawn, Kate knows she will have to summon all of her and her sisters' powers to battle the darkness threatening to destroy both Christmas and the gift of soul-searing passion her hometown hero wants her to keep forever. . .
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Dämmerung des Herzens
Excerpt: Chapter 1
Twas the twilight before Christmas
and all through the lands
Not a thing has occurred that was not of my hand.
and all through the lands
Not a thing has occurred that was not of my hand.
"Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it," Danny Granite muttered the mantra under his breath as he sat in the truck watching his older brother carefully selecting hydro-organic tomatoes from Old Man Mars' fruit stand. Danny glanced at the keys, assuring himself the truck was running and all that his brother had to do was leap in and gun it. He leaned out the window, gave a half-hearted wave to the elderly man and scowled at his brother. "Get a move on, Matt. I'm starving here."
Matt grimaced at him and then smiled with smooth charm at the old man. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Mars," he said cheerfully as he handed over several bills and lifted the bag of tomatoes. "Less than two weeks before Christmas. I'm looking forward to the pageant this year."
Danny groaned. A black scowl settled over Old Man Mars' face. His craggy brows drew together in a straight, thick line. He grunted in disgust and spat on the ground.
The smile on Matt's face widened into a boyish grin as he hurried around the bed of the pick-up truck to yank open the driver side door. Almost before settling into his seat, he cranked up the radio so that Jingle Bells blared loudly from the speakers.
"You'd better move it, Matt," Dan muttered nervously, looking out the window, back toward the fruit stand. "He's arming himself. You just had to wish him a Merry Christmas, didn't you? You know he hates that pageant. And you know very well playing that music is adding insult to injury!"
The first tomato came hurtling towards the back window of the truck as Matt hit the gas and the truck leapt forward, fishtailing, tires throwing dirt into the air. The tomato landed with deadly accuracy splattering juice, seed and pulp across the back window. Several more missiles hit the tailgate as they tore out of the parking lot and raced down the street.
Danny scowled at his brother. "You just had to wish him merry Christmas. Everyone knows he hates Christmas. He kicked the shepherd last year during the midnight pageant. Now he'll be more ornery than ever. If you'd just avoided the word we might have gone unscathed this year, but now he'll have to retaliate."
Matt's massive shoulders shook as he laughed. "As I recall you played the shepherd last year. He didn't hurt you that bad, Danny boy. A little kick on the shin is good for you. It builds character."
"You only think it's funny because it wasn't your shin." Danny rubbed his leg as if it still hurt nearly a year later.
"You need to toughen up," Matt pointed out. He took the highway, a thin ribbon of a road, twisting and turning along the cliffs above the ocean. It was impossible to go fast on the switchbacks although Matt knew the road well. He maneuvered around a sharp curve, setting up for the next sharp turn. It ran uphill and nearly doubled back. The mountain swelled on his right, a high bank grown over with emerald green grasses and breath-taking colors from the explosion of wild flowers. On his left, a narrow ribbon of a trail meandered along the cliffs to drop away to the wide expanse of blue ocean with its white caps and booming waves.
"Oh, my God! That's Kate Drake," Danny said gleefully, pointing to a woman on a horse, riding along the narrow trail on the side of the road.
"That can't be her." Matt hastily rolled down his window and craned his neck, gawking unashamedly. He could only see the back of the rider, who was dressed all in white and had thick chestnut hair that flamed red in the sunshine. His heart pounded. His mouth went dry. Only Kate Drake could get away with wearing white and riding a horse so close to the side of the road. It had to be her. He slowed the truck to get a better look as he went by, turning down the radio at the same time.
"Matt! Watch where you're going," Danny yelled, bracing himself as the truck flew off the road and rolled straight into the grass-covered bank. It halted abruptly. Both men were slammed back in their seats and held prisoner by their seatbelts.
"Damn!" Matt roared. He turned to his brother. "Are you all right?"
"No, I'm not all right, you big lug, you ran us off the road gawking at Kate Drake again. I hurt everywhere. I need a neck brace and I think I might have broken my little finger." Danny held up his hand, gripping his wrist and emitting groans loudly.
"Oh shut up," Matt said rudely.
"Matthew Granite. Good heavens, are you hurt? I have a cell phone and can go out to the bluff and call for help."
Kate's voice was everything he remembered. Soft. Melodic. Meant for long nights and satin sheets. Matt turned his head to look at her. To drink her in. It had been four long years since he's last spoken with her. She stood beside his truck, reins looped in her hand, her large green eyes anxious. He couldn't help but notice she had the most beautiful skin. Flawless. Perfect. It looked so soft he wanted to stroke his finger down her cheek just to see if she was real.
"I'm fine, Kate." It was a miracle he found his voice. His tongue seemed to stick to the roof of his mouth. "I must have tried to take the turn a little too fast."
A snort of derision came from Danny's side of the truck. "You were driving like a turtle. You just weren't looking where you were going."
The toe of Matt's boot landed solidly against his brother's shin and Danny let out a hair-raising yowl.
"No wonder Old Man Mars wanted to kick you last year," Matt muttered under his breath.
"Daniel? Are you hurt?" Kate sounded anxious, but her fascinating lower lip quivered as if close to laughter.
Determined to get her away from his brother, Matt hastily shoved the door open with more force than necessary. The door thumped soundly against Kate's legs. She jumped back, the horse half-reared, and Danny, damn him, laughed like the hyena he was.
Matt groaned. It never failed. He was a decorated U.S. Army Ranger, had been in the service for years, running covert missions where his life depended on his physical skills and his cool demeanor, yet he always managed to feel clumsy and rough in front of Kate. He unfolded his large frame, towering over her, feeling like a giant. Kate was always perfect. Poised. Articulate. Graceful. There she was looking beautiful dressed all in white with her hair attractively wind blown. She was the only person in the world who could make him loose his cool and raise his temperature at the same time just by smiling.
"Is Danny really hurt?" Kate asked, turning her head slightly while she tried to calm the nervous horse.
It gave Matt a great view of her figure. He drank her in, his hungry gaze drifting over her soft curves. He'd always loved watching her walk away from him. Nobody moved in the same sexy way she did. She looked so proper yet she had that come-on walk and the bedroom eyes and that glorious hair a man would want to feel sliding over his skin all night long. He just managed to stifle a groan. How had he not known, sensed that Kate was back in town. His radar must be failing him.
"Danny's fine, Kate," Matt assured her.
She sent him a quick smile over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling at him. "Just how many accidents have you been in, Matt? It seems that on the rare occasions I've seen you, over the last few years, your poor vehicle has been crunched."
It was true, but it was her fault. Kate Drake acted as some sort of catalyst for strange behavior. He was good at everything. Everything. Unless Kate was around, then he could barely manage to speak properly.
The horse moved restlessly demanding Kate's immediate attention, giving Matt time to realize his jeans and blue chambray work shirt were streaked with dirt, sawdust and a powdery cement mixture in complete contrast to her immaculate white attire. He took the opportunity to slap the dust from his clothing, sending up a gray cloud that enveloped Kate as she turned back toward him. She coughed delicately, fluttering her long feathery lashes to keep the dust from stinging her eyes. Another derisive hoot came from Danny's direction.
Matt sent his brother a look that promised instant death before turning back to Kate. "I had no idea you were in town. The town gossips let me down." Inez at the grocery store had mentioned Sarah was in town, as well as Hannah and Abigail, three of her six sisters, but Inez hadn't said a word about Kate.
"Sarah came back for a visit and you know how my family is, we get together as often as possible." She shrugged, a simple enough gesture, but on her it was damned sexy. "I've been in London doing research for my latest thriller." She laughed softly. The sound played right down his spine and did interesting things to his body. "London fog is always so perfect for a scary setting. Before that it was Borneo." Kate traveled the world, researching and writing her best-selling novels and murder mysteries. She was so beautiful it hurt to look at her, so sophisticated he felt primitive in her presence. She was so sexy he always had the desire to turn caveman and toss her over his shoulder and carry her off to his private lair. "Sarah's engaged to Damon Wilder." She tilted her head slightly and patted the horse's neck again.
"Have you met him?"
"No, but everyone is talking about it. No one expected Sarah to get married."
Matt watched the way the sunlight kissed her hair, turning the silky strands into a blazing mass of temptation. His gaze followed her hand stroking the horse's neck and he noted the absence of a ring with relief.
Danny cleared his throat. He leaned out the driver's side. "You're drooling, bro." He whispered it in an overloud voice.
Without missing a beat, Matt kicked the door closed. "Are you going to be staying very long this visit?" He held his breath waiting for her answer. To make matters worse, Danny snickered. Matt sent up a silent vow that their parents would have one less child to fuss over before the day was out.
"I've actually decided to stay and make Sea Haven my home base. I bought the old mill up on the cliffs above Sea Lion Cove. I'm planning on renovating the mill into a bookstore and coffee shop, and to modernize the house so I can live in it. I'm tired of wandering and I'm ready to come home again."
Kate smiled. She had perfect teeth to go with her perfect skin. Matt found himself staring at her while the earth shook beneath his feet. He stood there, grinning at the thought of Kate living in their hometown permanently.
A shadow swept across the sky, black threads swirling and boiling, a dark cauldron of clouds blotting out the sun. A seagull shrieked once. Then the entire flock of birds overhead took up the warning cry. Matt was so caught up in Kate's smile, he didn't realize the ground was really rolling and it wasn't just her amazing effect on him. The horse backed dangerously close to the road, tossing its head in fright, nearly dragging Kate from her feet. Matt swiftly reached past her and gathered the reins in one hand to steady the animal. He swept his other arm around Kate's waist, anchoring her smaller body to his, to keep her from falling as a jagged crack opened several feet from them, and spread rapidly along the ground heading right for Kate's feet. Matt lifted her up and away from the gaping hole, dragging her back several feet, horse in tow, away from the spreading crack. It was only a few inches wide but it was several inches deep, very long and ran up the side of the embankment.
"You all right, Danny?" He called to his brother.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That was a big one."
Kate clung to Matt, her small hands clutching at his shoulders. He heard the sharp intake of her breath that belied her calm demeanor, but she didn't cry out. The ground settled and Matt allowed her feet to touch the path, but he retained his hold on her. She was incredibly warm, soft and smelled of fresh flowers. He leaned over her, inhaling her fragrance, his chin brushing the top of her head. "You okay, Kate?"
Appearing as serene as ever, Kate murmured soothingly to the horse. Nothing ruffled her. Not earthquakes and certainly not Matthew Granite. "Yes, of course, it was just a little earthquake." She glanced up at the boiling clouds with a small frown of puzzlement.
"It was a fairly good one. And the ground opened damn near at your feet."
Kate continued to pat the horse's neck, seemingly unaware that Matt was still holding her, caging her body between his and the animal. He could see her hands tremble as she struggled to maintain composure and it made him admire her all the more. She lifted her face to the wind. "I love the sea breeze. The minute I feel it on my face, I feel as if I'm home."
Matt cleared his throat. Kate had a beautiful profile. Her hair was swept up in some fancy knot showing off her long, graceful neck. When she turned, her breasts thrust against the thin shirt, full and round and so enticing it was all he could do to keep from leaning down and putting his mouth over the clinging white fabric. He tried to move, to step away from her, but he was drawn to her. Mesmerized by her. She'd always reminded him of a ballerina with her elegant lines and soft feminine curves. His lungs burned for air and there was a strange roaring in his head. It took three tries opening his mouth before a coherent word came out. "If you're really serious about renovation, Kate, it just so happens my family's in the construction business."
She turned the full power of her huge eyes on him. "I do recall all of you are builders. That's always struck me as a wonderful occupation." She reached out and took his hands. He had big hands, rough and callused, whereas her hands were soft and small. "I always loved your hands, Matthew. When I was a young girl I remember wishing I had your capable hands." Her words, as much as her touch sent little flames licking along his skin.
Matt was certain he heard a snort and probably a snicker coming from the direction of his younger brother.
"I think you've held onto her long enough, bro," Danny called. "The ground stopped pitching a few minutes ago."
Matt was too much of a gentleman to point out to his brother that Kate was holding his hands. Looking down at her, he saw faint color steal under her skin. Reluctantly, he let go of Kate, stepping away from her. The wind tugged at tendrils of her hair, but it only made her look more alluring. "Sorry, Kate. This is the first time in a while we've had an earthquake shake us up so hard." He raked his fingers through his dark hair in agitation, searching for something brilliant to say to keep her there. His mind was blank. Totally blank. Kate turned back to her horse. He began to feel desperate. He was a grown man, hard-working, some said brilliant when it came to designing and most women quite frankly threw themselves at him, but Kate calmly gathered the reins of her horse, no weak knees, completely unaffected by his presence. He wiped the sweat suddenly beading on his forehead, leaving a smear of dirt behind.
"Kate." It came out softly.
Danny stuck his head out the window on the driver's side. "Do you want a little help with the old mill, Kate? Matt actually is fairly decent at that sort of thing. He obviously can't drive and he can't talk, but he's hell on wheels with renovations."
Kate's eyes lit up. "I would love that, Matthew, but I really wouldn't want to presume on our friendship. It would have to be a business arrangement."
Matt hadn't realized she thought of them as friends. Kate rarely spoke to him, other than their strange, brief conversations when they chanced running into one another during her high school years. He felt himself relax into the idea of being friends with her. Every cell in his body went on alert when she was near him, it always happened that way, even when she was a teenager and he was in his first years of college. He had wanted to feel protective around her and he did, but mostly he felt he had to protect her from his own attraction to her. That had been distasteful to a man like Matt. He had taken his secret fantasies of her to every foreign country. She had shared his days and nights in the jungles and deserts, in the worst of situations, and she had gotten him home. Now, a full-grown man who had fought wars and had more than enough experiences to give him confidence, he found he could speak easily and naturally to any other woman. Kate simply made him tongue-tied. He'd take friendship with her. At least it was a start. "Tell me when you want me to take a look, Kate, and I'll arrange my schedule accordingly. Being my own boss has its advantages."
"Then I'm going to take advantage of your generous offer and ask if you could go out there with me tomorrow afternoon. Do you think you can manage it that soon? I wouldn't ask but I'm trying to get this project off the ground as soon as possible."
"It sounds great. I'll pick you up at the cliff house around four. You are staying there with your sisters, aren't you?"
Kate nodded and turned to watch the sheriff cruise up behind the pick-up truck. Matt watched her face, mainly because he couldn't tear his gaze away from her. Her smile was gracious, friendly even, but he was aware even before he turned his head that the man getting out of the sheriff's cruiser, was Jonas Harrington. It occurred to him that he knew Kate far too well, her every expression. And that meant he had spent too much time watching her. Kate was smiling, but she had stiffened just that little bit. She always did that around Jonas. All of her sisters did. For the first time he wondered why Kate reacted that way.
"Well, Kate, I see you caused another accident," Jonas said in greeting. He shook Matt's hand and clapped him on the back.
"The Drake sisters have a tendency to wreak havoc everywhere they go." He winked at Matt.
Kate simply lifted an eyebrow. "You've been saying that since we were children."
Jonas leaned over to brush a casual kiss along Kate's cheek. Something black and lethal whose existence Matt didn't want to recognize moved inside of him like a dark shadow. He put a blatantly possessive hand on Kate's back.
Jonas ignored Matt's body language. "I'll still be making the same accusation when you're all in your eighties, Kate. Where is everyone?" He looked around as if expecting her sisters to appear galloping over the mountaintop.
"You look a little nervous, Jonas," Danny observed from the safety of the truck. "What'd you do this time? Arrest Hannah and throw her beautiful butt in jail on some trumped up charge?"
He subsided when Kate turned the full power of her gaze on him. The wind rushed up from the sea, bringing the scent and feel of the ocean. "I had no idea you were so interested in my sister's anatomy, Danny."
"Come on, Kate, she's gorgeous, every man's interested in Hannah's anatomy," Danny pointed out, unrepentant.
"And if she doesn't want them to look, what is she doing allowing every photographer from here to hell and back to take pictures of her?" Jonas demanded. "And just for your information, I wouldn't have to trump up charges if I wanted to arrest Hannah," he added with a black scowl. "I ought to run her in for indecent exposure. That glitzy magazine in Inez's store has her on the cover naked!"
"She is not naked. She's wearing a swimsuit, Jonas, with a sarong over it." Kate sounded as calm as ever but Matt noted that her hand tightened on the reins of her horse until her knuckles turned white. He moved even closer to her, inserting himself between her and the sheriff.
"She might try a decent one piece and maybe a robe that went down to her ankles or something. And does she have to strike that stupid pose just to make everyone stare " Jonas broke off as the wind gusted again, howling this time, bringing whispers in the swirling chaos of leaves and droplets of seawater. His hat was swept from his head and carried away from the group. The wind shifted direction, rushing back to the ocean, retreating in much the same manner as a wave from the shore. The sudden breeze took the hat with it, sailing it over the cliffs and into the choppy water below.
Jonas spun around and looked toward the large house set up on the cliffs in the distance. "Damn it, Hannah. That's the third hat I've lost since you've been home." He shouted the words into the vortex of the wind.
There was a small silence. Matt cleared his throat. "Jonas. I don't think she can hear you from here."
Jonas glared at him. "She can hear me. Can't she, Kate? She knows exactly what I'm saying. You tell her this isn't funny anymore. She can stop with her little wind games."
"You believe all the things people say about the Drake sisters, don't you, Jonas?" Danny said. He imitated the opening theme of The Twilight Zone.
Matt stared down at Kate's hand. The reins were trembling. He covered her hand with his own, steadying the leather reins she was clenching. "I'll be happy to come look at the mill tomorrow, Kate. Would you like a leg up?"
"Thanks, Matthew. I'd appreciate it."
He didn't bother with cupping his hands together to assist her into the saddle. He simply lifted her. He was tall and strong and it was easy to swing her onto the horse. She settled into the saddle as if born there. Elegant. Refined. As close to perfection as any dream he could conjure up and just as far out of reach. "I'll see you then. Say hello to your sisters for me."
"I'll do that, Matthew, and you give my best to your parents. It was nice to see you, Danny." Her cool gaze swept over Jonas. "I'm sure you'll be by the house, Jonas."
Jonas shrugged. "I take my job seriously, Kate."
Matt watched her ride away, waiting until a curve in the road took her out of sight before turning on the sheriff. "What the hell was that all about?"
"You know all seven of the Drake women drive me crazy half the time," Jonas said. "I've told you all the trouble they get up to. You're always grilling me about them. Well," He grinned evilly as he indicated the truck. "Isn't this the third accident you've had with Kate in the vicinity? You should know what I mean."
Jonas had grown up with Matt Granite, had gone through school, joined the Army, the Rangers and fought side by side with him. He knew how Matt felt about Kate. It was no secret. Matt wasn't very good at hiding his feelings from his family and friends, especially since Jonas had gotten out of the service two years before Matt and Matt continually interrogated him for all information regarding Kate's whereabouts and marital status. Matt had been home three years now, but had spent all his leave working with his brothers and father in their family business. And waiting for Kate to come home.
Danny snickered. "You were there back in his college days, Jonas, when he drove Dad's truck into the creek bed and hung it up on a rock. Wasn't Kate about three at the time?"
Matt took a deep breath. He couldn't kill his brother in front of the sheriff, even if it was Jonas. The time he had wrecked his father's truck, driving it without permission, Kate had been about fifteen, far too young for a college man to be looking at her and he was still embarrassed that his brothers and Jonas had known why he wrecked. Of course he knew the Drake sisters, everyone in town knew them, but he'd never looked at them. Not in a fascinated, physical, male way. Until he saw Kate standing in a creek bed picking blackberries with the sun kissing her hair and her large sea green eyes looking back at him. The second time he'd wrecked a vehicle, was four years earlier. Matt had been home on leave and he'd been so busy looking at Kate going by with her sisters, just walking along the sidewalk, he'd failed to realize he was parked in front of a cement hump and had high-sided his mother's car on it. Ignoring the entire subject he moved around the truck to inspect the damage. "I think I can get the truck out without a tow."
"I see you upset old man Mars," Jonas pointed to the tomato smears on the rear window.
"You know Matt, he just had to wish the old man a merry Christmas." Danny shoved open the door. "He likes to stir the old geezer up right before the pageant. He does it every year. The time Mom made me play the little drummer boy, Mars broke my drumsticks into ten pieces and threw them on the ground and then jumped up and down on them. All my brothers got a kick out of that but I've been traumatized ever since. I have nightmares about being stomped on by him."
Jonas laughed. "Mars is a strange old man, but he's harmless enough. And he gives away most of his produce to the people who need it. He takes it to some of the single moms in town and some of the elderly couples. And I know he feeds the Ruttermyer boy, the one with Down Syndrome who works at odd jobs for everyone. He persuaded Donna to give the boy a room right next to her gift shop. I know he helps that boy with his bills."
"Yeah, deep down he's a good man," Matt agreed. A slow grin spread over his face. "He just hates Christmas." He nodded toward the other side of the truck and the other two men went to the front to scrape away the mud and dirt and push until they separated the bumper from the embankment. "I didn't appreciate you saying anything to Kate about her and her sisters being different, Jonas." Matt said it a low voice, but Jonas and he had been friends since they were boys and Jonas recognized the warning tone.
"I'm not going to pretend they're like everyone else, Matt, not even for you," Jonas snapped. "The Drakes are special. They have gifts and they use themselves up for everyone else without a thought for themselves or their own safety. I'm going to watch out for them whether they like or it not. Sarah Drake nearly got herself killed a few weeks ago. Hannah and Kate and Abbey were with her and also might have been killed."
Matt felt the words as a blow somewhere in the vicinity of his gut. His heart did a curious somersaulting dive in his chest. "I heard about Sarah, but I hadn't heard the others were there. What happened?"
"To make a long story short, Wilder had people trail him here. They wanted information only he could give them. He designed our national defense system and the government wanted him protected at all costs. Fortunately Sarah was from Sea Haven so it was natural enough to send her in to guard him. These people got their hands on him once before, killed his assistant right in front of him and tortured him. That's why he uses a cane when he walks. They broke into the Drake's house when he was there, armed to the teeth and were willing to kill them all to get what they wanted." The hiss of anger in Jonas' voice deepened.
"No one said a word about Kate being in the house at the same time. I knew Sarah was guarding Damon Wilder and that he was a defense expert in some kind of trouble, but " Matt trailed off as he looked back toward the house on the cliff. It was covered in Christmas lights. Beside it was a tall full Douglas fir tree, completely decorated and flashing lights even before the sun went down. When he looked toward the house he felt a sense of peace. Of rightness. The Drake sisters were the town's treasures. He looked away from the cliff toward the old Mill. It was farther up the road, built over Sea Lion Cove. A strange cloud formation hung over the small inlet and spread slowly toward land. The shape captured his imagination, a yawning black mouth, jaws opening wide, heading straight for them.
"All of them were nearly murdered," Jonas said. His eyes went flat and cold. "The Drakes take on far too much and everyone just expects them to do it without thinking of the cost to them."
"I never thought of it like that, Jonas. Now that you mention it, I've seen them all drained of energy after helping out the way they do." Matt didn't take his eyes from the sky. He watched a sea gull veer frantically from the path of the slow moving cloud, braking sharply in midair, wings flapping strongly in agitation. Wisps of fog began to rise from the sea and drift toward shore.
"Maybe we all should pay more attention to what's happening with them," he murmured softly, more to himself than to the others.