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GhostWalker Series

GhostWalker Series News

The next GhostWalker book is Thunder Game and the hero is Diego!

I will be starting the next GhostWalker book later this month!

Ghostly Game will be available in mass market paperback on December 26th!

The Book Trailer for Ghostly Game is up! I hope you enjoy it!

GHOSTLY GAME cover is up on the website and so is the first chapter!

Loving the new cover of VIPER GAME. It's similar to the original, but unique in its own way.

I am currently working on the new GhostWalker book. I hope to have it turned in by end of September or early October.

If you love word search puzzles we created on for Phantom Game over on the Goodreads blog for you!

Thank you to all of my readers for putting Phantom Game on so many bestseller lists!

It's not too late to get PHANTOM GAME from Gallery Book Shop and have it signed and personalized by Christine! The last day to order is January 28th. Find out more HERE!.

Have you seen the new cover for RUTHLESS GAME yet? It's up on the website!

The cover for Phantom Game is up on the website now!

Lightning Game releases Sept. 28th in paperback! And Phantom Game's hero is Jonas from TEAM 1! Yes! We're going back to Team 1!

I just put up a new blog about Street Game over on my Goodreads Blog talking about Team three, Jaimie and Mack!

Street Game has a new cover and I love it! The book is out now if you want this beautiful cover!

Phantom Game will be going back to Team 1. No word on the hero and heroine yet, but soon!

Just started writing Phantom Game and am loving it. I'm not quite ready to reveal who the hero and heroine are, but I bet you'll be surprised! LOL

Lightning Game will be out in Mass Market paperback Sept. 28th!

Lightning Game was on Amazon's BEST ROMANCE for the month of March! Very exciting!

Thank you to everyone who bought Lightning Game the first week it was out. I made the New York Times bestseller list at #10 for the combined list!

We have a new book trailer and chapter one up on the Lightning Game page now! I really love how the trailer turned out!

Gallery Book Shop is taking pre-order for personalized, signed copies of Lightning Game!

You can now pre-order Lightning Game from B & N signed! When you order from BN using that link it will take you to the page where you can order the signed copy.

We have started working on the book trailer for Lightning Game and I'm so excited to see how it turns out!

The cover for Lightning Game is here! And the wall is up!

The next book in the GhostWalker Series is Rubin's book and it's titled Lightning Game!

The re-issue of Night Game is out! It's got an amazing new cover!

Lethal Game will be out in paperback Sept. 29, 2020.

Thank you to all my readers who bought Lethal Game the first week. The book made #7 on the New York Times Bestseller List!

Criminal Element has an exclusive excerpt from Lethal Game!

The Big Thrill Magazine has an article about Lethal Game and the GhostWalkers called Courageous Men and Dangerous Women. I hope you'll check it out. I think it's a wonderful article!

Lethal Game Release Day Celebration with Goodreads Goodies! We have a GhostWalker quiz, video, an opportunity to ASK THE AUTHOR all in celebration of the release of Lethal Game!

A new blog is up on Goodreads Letha Game - Man Down talking about Malichai and the Ghostwalkers. Lethal Game is out now!

Did a really fun podcast with Red Carpet Crash for Lethal Game. There may be some hints about the story that aren't mentioned anywhere else! Hope you will check it out.

The Book Trailer for Lethal Game is out now! I really love it!

The WalMart cover for Mind Game will be released on April 7, 2020 for those of you who would like a print copy with the beautiful new cover. The story is the same. It just has a new cover on it.

Links for Lethal Game UK version are finally up and correct. They've not sent us the UK cover yet, but you can get the UK links HERE

You can now pre-order a SIGNED copy of Lethal Game at Barnes and Noble! Be sure to click on the box that says "Signed Book".

I'm so excited that WalMart is releasing Shadow Game with a new cover in stores! I love the new cover!

Lethal Game will be out March 3, 2020 in hardcover and out in paperback Sept. 29, 2020.

Gallery Books is sponsoring a virtual signing and you can pre-order Lethal Game and have it signed and personalized! You can find out the details HERE

I've finished Lethal Game! You can see the new cover and read about Malichai's story!

Thank you to everyone who bought the Toxic Game hardcover! It did great on the lists and I am so grateful! #5 NYT combined list #13 NYT hardcover list #7 USA Today romance list #8 Publisher's Weekly

In case you missed the book trailer for Toxic Game you can watch it HERE!

The paperback version of Toxic Game will be released October 1st! You can read the first chapter HERE

As we gear up for the March 12th release of Toxic Game I'm writing the next GhostWalker book. I'll be announcing the title and hero in my online community very soon! You can preorder signed copies of Toxic Game at BN.com while supplies last! Use this LINK to order a signed copy!

I got the ARCs for Toxic Game and am really excited about it. I think this is the most romantic book I've written to date. The book releases March 12th and is Draden and Sylah's book.

I finished Toxic Game and the publisher has already put together a great cover for it!

Talking about Gino from Covert Game over on my Goodreads blog! Covert Game's Gino "Phantom" Mazza

Find out more about the heroine from Covert Game - Covert Game's Heroine: Zara Hightower

COVERT GAME will be out in paperback October 2nd!

I'm talking about the GhostWalker series over on Goodreads! Where to Begin in the Series: GhostWalkers

Covert Game is now out -- FYI: It's my 75th book. . . Enjoy!

Covert Game will be out in just a few weeks! If you'd like a sneak peek of the new book trailer you can find it in my online community with some other goodies and lively discussion!

I plan on writing blogs about the GhostWalkers and specifically about Covert Game on my Goodreads blog the week of the book release. You can find my Goodreads blog here.

More News

New Release

Ghostly Game

Latest GhostWalker Series BookTrailers

Ghostly Game

Gideon "Eagle" Carpenter is used to rolling with the punches life has thrown at him. He does his best to live with all the sins written on his soul. Then he hears the laughter of a woman with the ability to erase—even for a few previous moments—the darkness of his past.

Ghostly Game

Phantom Game

Jonas can sense Camellia is going to run — and the hunter inside doesn't want to let go. Not when he knows how good they'll be together. So he'll just have to use all of his considerable skills to convince her to stay...

Phantom Game

Lightning Game

Jonquille has little choice but to trust Rubin and hope he can help her. It's the only way she will live. But there are others out to capture her. Unexpected and dangerous men who will challenge the GhostWalkers in ways that change everything. Forever.

Lightning Game

WATCH MORE book trailers and other videos about the GhostWalker Series.

International Storytelling: CF Books Across the Globe

It's always both humbling and exciting to know my books are being read all over the world. Hearing from readers in Germany, France, Italy and so many other amazing places allows me to really feel the importance of stories. Of books. Of the written word. I write paranormal romance, fantasy romanc . . .

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Celebrating Books at the Reader/Author Get Together 2023

Books, book discussions, book exchanges, book gifts, book raffle baskets and book signings. Yes, there's a theme. Lol But the Reader/Author Get Together which is hosted by the talented Lori Foster each year is more than just that. I don't travel much but this event is very important to me, a . . .

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Ghostly Game Word Search

I hope you enjoyed Ghostly Game! Here's a fun word search puzzle based on the book. You can play online or print it out HERE.

posted by Christine Feehan on May, 26

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READ MORE of Christine's blog posts about the GhostWalker Series.